Sections reusable

Early-Bird nur noch ...


The early bird countdown has ended.

However, you can still register as normal.

Sende uns eine Nachricht

Do you have a question? We're here for you.
Or send us your registration now ...

Festival 29.8. - 1.9.2019
DAS Haupt-Event in unserem Tanz-Jahr! 
An einem tollen Ort präsentieren wir euch urlaubs- und bewegungshungrigen Menschen eine Reihe ausgesuchter Workshops, 
die mit Tanz- und Contact-Improvisation zu tun haben. 
Mehr dazu

Super early bird only ...


Der Countdown vom Super-Early-Bird ist leider beendet. 

Du kannst dich allerdings noch über den Early-Bird anmelden.

15 % Ermäßigung ! ! !

Early-Bird nur noch ...


The early bird countdown has ended.

However, you can still register as normal.

15 % Ermäßigung ! ! !

2-Birds nur noch ...


The countdown from 2-Birds has unfortunately ended.

However, you can still register as normal.


-30 %

€ 126instead of 180 €
Attention: limited contingent of 20 places
Expires April 30, 2019

Der Super-Early-Bird pfeift noch so lange:


Der Countdown vom Super-Early-Bird ist leider beendet. 

Du kannst dich allerdings noch über den Early-Bird anmelden.


-15 %

€ 153instead of 180 €
Attention: limited contingent of 30 places
Expires May 31, 2019

The early bird whistles for so long:


The early bird countdown has ended.

However, you can still register with the normal participant fee.


-15 %

2 people € 153 eachinstead of 180 € each
Attention: limited contingent of 20 places
Läuft bis 14. Juli 2019

Der 2-Birds-Tarif gilt noch so lange:


Der Countdown vom 2-Birds ist leider beendet. 

Du kannst dich allerdings noch mit dem normalen Teilnehmer-Beitrag anmelden.


in planning

Wir bieten für Kinder im Alter von 4-10 Jahren zu den ausgewiesenen Jams Kinderbetreuung an.
Dafür gibt es sogar eine kleine Extrascheune – falls das Wetter schlecht sein sollte. Ansonsten bietet die umliegende Natur schier unendlich viel Möglichkeit – da wird keine Langeweile aufkommen…
Es ist uns wichtig, dass Eltern oder Elternteile ungestört bei Veranstaltungen teilnehmen können – allerdings wird das nicht für die gesamte Festivaldauer möglich sein – so könnt Ihr Euch Euer ganz individuelles Programm basteln!
mehr Infos

Do you enjoy children ...

... maybe even with professional experience and would you like to take over childcare during various workshops?
In the remaining time you can of course visit our other dance offers.

Or are you a parent who would also like to deal with children at the festival?
In this case you will of course receive a discount on the participation fee.
If you are interested, please contact us soon for our plans.

Wir würden uns freuen, von dir zu hören!

Please send us a short message - we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

Conditions of participation Living-Contact-Dance-Festival 2019

Good to know before registering

Thank you for your interest in our festival!
At this point we ask you for your attention to our conditions of participation.
We are happy to have helping hands, which (as usual at other festivals) enable us all to run smoothly.
Thank you for your willingness to actively support us.

The activities are:
Kitchen help, toilet and shower cleaning, shuttle service from the train station and back.
Before the festival begins, you have to enter yourself in a corresponding list.Everyone would probably only have to help once.

You will receive a discount on the participation fee for the following activities:

If you are a pedagogue or an interested parent and you can imagine taking age-appropriate actions with children during various workshops, please register as soon as possible (see above in the festival menu).

If you would like to be there as a musician, please contact us as soon as possible (see above in the festival menu).

Photos and videos
Photos and videos will be made during the festival for documentation and advertising.
If you do not want publication, you can Talk to us and the photographer or film owner on site.

We give 1-2 ambitious photographers the opportunity to take dance and other photos of the festival.
If you would like to do this as a hobby or professionally, please contact us as soon as possible (see above in the festival menu).

Otherwise it is private photography and filming is not permitted in the workshop situations!

1. The binding registration done by the Transfer of the participant fee ,

If you register early, you will receive a reduced fee:
Super early bird if you register by April 30, 2019: € 180 - 30% = € 126 => for a maximum of 20 seats!
Early bird when registering by May 31, 2019: € 180 - 15% = € 153 => for a maximum of 30 places!

Normal-Bird (regular participation fee without discount) from June 1, 2019: 180 €
Children between 4 and 10 years: flat care fee 30 €

In the first 14 days after receipt of your registration, you can withdraw at any time with a written notification and you will receive your full participation amount again.
Should you resign later ...
- and find a replacement, we will withhold a processing fee of € 20.

- If you cannot find a replacement, we will keep an amount:
up to 1 month before the festival begins: 25% of the regular participation fee without discount.
From 1 month before the start of the festival: 50% of the regular participation fee without discount.
From 1 week before the start of the festival: the full transfer fee. In this case, you will also have to be charged for accommodation and meals.

If you cancel your participation during the festival, you will not receive a refund.

2. The accommodation and catering fees are mandatory and will be paid in cash at the start of the festival

The distribution of the various fees is necessary because we work in cooperation with the HofGut owners and housekeeping.

It is a matter of vegetarian full board , which comes from regional production where possible:
Breakfast, lunch, afternoon coffee, dinner and drinks such as water, tea and coffee.

The Accommodation and meals fees are to be paid in total per adult:
- for overnight stays in a tent: 84 € (3 nights x 10 € + 3 days food x 18 €)
- for overnight stays in two or more bed rooms: 99 € (3 nights x 15 € + 3 days food x 18 €).

For children up to 3 years: free

Overnight for children between 4 and 14 years: 24 € (3 nights x 8 €)

Meals for children between 4 and 12 years: € 27 (3 days food x 9 €)
Meals for children aged 13 and over: € 54 (3 days food x 18 €)

Accompanying persons B. for children who do not participate in the activities, only pay the above accommodation and boarding fees.

There are 11 rooms in total:
2 rooms with 1 double bed each, 4 rooms with 2 beds each, 4 rooms with 3 beds each, 1 room with 4 beds
=> Please contact the Hof Ruckhardtshausen if you want to stay in one of the rooms.

Note: you can also before or after the festival Take a holiday in / on the HofGut at the normal conditions (without meals).

Your participation in the festival, in all activities, and the stay on the grounds of the HofGut and in the surrounding area is your own responsibility.
The workshops are suitable for beginners as well as advanced students. They offer the opportunity for self-awareness and are not to be understood as a substitute for a possible therapy.

The responsibility and liability for the children and minors remains with their parents throughout the period.

We would like to point out that there are additional insurances regarding resignation, liability and illness cases on the market.

Should we due to z. If, for example, illness or insufficient number of participants are forced to cancel the festival, we will of course fully refund the participation fees. We cannot make any further claims.

train connection to Möckmühl station or Öhringen station.
From there, there will be a shuttle service that, depending on the number of passengers, will take you the remaining 12 km to the festival for 5 - 10 €.
My registration

Anmeldung abschicken

I would like to add my name, email address and place of residence to a list of participants that will be made available to all other participants on the list. This can be useful for Mfgs before the festival and afterwards for making contact.
I come with children between 4-10 years old and would like temporary care for ...
dem Auto
the train to Möckmühl station
the train to Öhringen station
Ich weiß es noch nicht und kümmere mich selbst darum
I need an MFG from the train station to the festival (approx. 12 km)
in the tent - I need a campground for that.
in someone else's tent.
in the camper - I need a parking space for that.
someone else's camper.
in the guest house - I take care of the availability myself.
noch unklar - das teile ich später mit.
Die in den Teilnahmebedingungen genannten Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung werde ich zum Festival-Beginn vor Ort in Bar bei dem betreffenden Orga-Team bezahlen.
I agree that persons authorized by the organizer may take pictures or film. The organizer uses the material to support its own advertising. If I do not want this, I will speak to the photographer / film owner myself on site.
I confirm that I am fully responsible for myself and my possibly underage children. Therefore, I will not hold the organizer and the workshop leaders responsible for any damage, losses and injuries.
I would like to receive the newsletters from Matthias and Konstanze. I can easily unsubscribe at any time.
Gerne gebe ich Festival-Flyer an potentiell Interessierte weiter. Bitte sendet mir ...
Yes, I know that my registration is only valid as soon as my participant amount has been credited to the festival account. The discount is only valid if my transfer is received on time within the Super-Early-Bird and Early-Bird deadlines.
I confirm that the information given above is correct and that I agree to the conditions of participation above.
I have observed the data protection declaration of this website, especially regarding the electronically collected and stored data. By submitting the registration, I express that I consent to the processing of the data for the intended purpose. The data can be deleted at any time.
Die mit * (Sternchen) gekennzeichneten Punkte sind obligatorisch. Sind diese nicht vollständig ausgefüllt, kann das Anmelde-Formular nicht abgeschickt werden. In diesem Fall werden die fehlenden Punkte rot umrandet.

Nach dem erfolgreichen Abschicken siehst du hier eine kurze Bestätigungsnachricht.

In den folgendenTagen erhältst du eine Mail - u. a. mit Infos zu unserer Bank-Verbindung. 
Wichtig für die ermäßigten Super-/Early-Bird-Beiträge mit begrenzter Platzanzahl: 
die Reihenfolge der bei uns eingegangenen Überweisungen bestimmt letztlich die Reihenfolge der verbindlichen Anmeldungen.
Conditions of participation in our workshops

Good to know before registering

Thank you for your interest in our workshop!
At this point we ask you for your attention to our conditions of participation.

Photos and videos
Photos and videos will be made during the festival for documentation and advertising.
If you do not want publication, you can Talk to us and the photographer or film owner on site.

We give 1-2 ambitious photographers the opportunity to take dance and other photos of the festival.
If you would like to do this as a hobby or professionally, please contact us as soon as possible (see above in the festival menu).

Otherwise it is private photography and filming is not permitted in the workshop situations!

1. The binding registration done by the Transfer of the participant fee ,

If you register early, you will receive a reduced fee:
Super early bird when registering up to 2 months before the start of the workshop: 180 € - 30% = 126 € => for a maximum of 20 places!
Early bird if you register up to 1 month before the start of the workshop: 180 € - 15% = 153 € => for a maximum of 30 places!

Normal-Bird (regular participation fee without discount) from 1 month before the start of the workshop: 180 €

In the first 14 days after receipt of your registration, you can withdraw at any time with a written notification and you will receive your full participation amount again.
Should you resign later ...
- and find a replacement, we will withhold a processing fee of € 20.

- If you cannot find a replacement, we will keep an amount:
up to 1 month before the festival begins: 25% of the regular participation fee without discount.
From 1 month before the start of the festival: 50% of the regular participation fee without discount.
From 1 week before the start of the festival: the full transfer fee. In this case, you will also have to be charged for accommodation and meals.

If you cancel your participation during the workshop, you will not receive a refund.

Your participation in the workshop and the stay on the site and in the surrounding area is your own responsibility.
The workshops are suitable for beginners as well as advanced students. They offer the opportunity for self-awareness and are not to be understood as a substitute for a possible therapy.

We would like to point out that there are additional insurances regarding resignation, liability and illness cases on the market.

Should we due to z. If, for example, illness or too few participants are forced to cancel the workshop, we will of course fully reimburse the participation fees. We cannot make any further claims.
Meine Anmeldung zum Workshop "Es werde Licht"

Anmeldung abschicken

I agree that persons authorized by the organizer may take pictures or film. The organizer uses the material to support its own advertising. If I do not want this, I will speak to the photographer / film owner myself on site.
Ich bestätige, dass ich für mich voll verantwortlich bin. Deshalb werde ich bei eventuellen Schäden, Verlusten und Verletzungen nicht den Veranstalter und die Workshop-LeiterInnen dafür haftbar machen.
I would like to receive the newsletters from Matthias and Konstanze. I can easily unsubscribe at any time.
Ja ich weiß, dass meine Anmeldung erst gültig ist, sobald mein Teilnehmer-Betrag auf dem Veranstalter-Konto eingegangen ist. Eine eventuelle Ermäßigung ist nur gültig, wenn meine Überweisung rechtzeitig im Rahmen der Frist eingegangen ist.
I confirm that the information given above is correct and that I agree to the conditions of participation above.
I have observed the data protection declaration of this website, especially regarding the electronically collected and stored data. By submitting the registration, I express that I consent to the processing of the data for the intended purpose. The data can be deleted at any time.
The points marked with * (asterisk) are mandatory. If these have not been completed, the registration form cannot be sent. In this case, the missing points are outlined in red.

After the successful submission you will see a short confirmation message here.

In the following days you will receive an email - including information about our bank connection.
Important for the reduced early bird contributions with limited number of places:
the order of the transfers received by us ultimately determines the order of the binding registrations.

Sende uns eine Nachricht

Do you have a question? We're here for you.
Or send us your registration now ...

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