Registration INNER-CONTACT

Conditions of participation Intensive workshop & Jam INNER-CONTACT in Stuttgart

Good to know before registering

Thank you for your interest in my workshop!
At this point I ask you to pay attention to the conditions of participation.

Photos and videos
During the workshop, photos and videos may be taken from time to time, which are used for documentation and advertising.
If you do not want publication, you can Talk to me on site and before the workshop begins.

Otherwise, private photography and filming is not permitted!

1. The binding registration done by the Transfer of the participant fee ,

If you register early, you will receive a reduced fee:
Early bird if you register by October 27, 2019: € 39 => for a maximum of 10 seats!

Normal-Bird (regular participation fee without discount) from October 28, 2019: € 49

In the first 14 days after receipt of your registration, you can withdraw at any time with a written notification and you will receive your full participation fee again.
Should you resign later ...
- and find a replacement person, a processing fee of 15 € will be retained.

- If you cannot find a replacement person, a partial amount will be retained:
up to 3 weeks before the workshop starts: 25% of the regular participation fee without discount.
From 2 weeks before the workshop starts: 50% of the regular participation fee without discount.
From 1 week before the start of the workshop: the complete transfer fee.

If you cancel your participation during the workshop, you will not receive a refund.

Your participation in the workshop and the stay on the premises of the landlord are your own responsibility.
The workshop is suitable for beginners as well as advanced learners. It offers, among other things, the opportunity for self-awareness and is not to be understood as a substitute for therapy.

I would like to point out that there are additional insurances regarding resignation, liability and illness cases on the market.

Should I due to z. B. Illness or insufficient number of participants will be forced to cancel the workshop, then I will of course fully reimburse the participation fees. No further claims can be made of me.
My registration

The points marked with * (asterisk) are mandatory. If these have not been completed, the registration form cannot be sent. In this case, the missing fields to be filled in will be outlined in red.

Anmeldung abschicken

I hereby register for the Workshop & Jam INNER-CONTACT in Stuttgart-Botnang on November 17, 2019 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m .:
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass vom Veranstalter autorisierte Personen fotografieren bzw. filmen dürfen. Das Material wird vom Veranstalter zur Unterstützung der eigenen Werbung verwendet. Falls ich dies nicht möchte, werde ich vor Ort selbst mit dem Veranstalter sprechen.
Ich bestätige, dass ich für mich voll verantwortlich bin. Deshalb werde ich bei eventuellen Schäden, Verlusten und Verletzungen nicht den Veranstalter bzw. den/die Workshop-LeiterIn dafür haftbar machen.
I would like to receive the Matthias newsletter. I can easily unsubscribe at any time.
Yes, I know that my registration is only valid as soon as my entry has been received in the account. The early bird tariff discount is only valid if my transfer is received in time within the deadline.
I confirm that the information given above is correct and that I agree to the conditions of participation above.
I have observed the data protection declaration of this website, especially regarding the electronically collected and stored data. By submitting the registration, I express that I consent to the processing of the data for the intended purpose. The data can be deleted at any time.

After the successful submission you will see a short one here confirmation message,

Otherwise, I ask you to look for any fields with a red border and to fill them out.

In the following days you will receive a confirmation email - including information about my bank details.
Important for the reduced early bird fee with limited number of places:
the order of the transfers I received ultimately determines the order of the binding registrations.
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